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Tim Merrick @ Focal Plane Photo

To visit Fair Isle is to understand the deep connection the island has to its surrounding waters. Situated where the North Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean; it’s hard to determine, at times, where the sea ends and the land begins.

Fair Isle sea cave survey report now available

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A survey team from Heriot-Watt University and NatureScot visited Fair Isle back in 2021 to carry out sea-based surveys of some of the caves around the isle. A total of 175 potential cave sites (including arches and tunnels) have been identified, with ‘Diamond’ cave being the most extensive surveyed at ~200m in length. Despite weather related challenges the team were able to carry out full biological surveys of 4 of the caves, which showed caves to contain typical cave biota and be in favourable condition.
Find out more Fair Isle sea cave survey report now available

Distribution modelling of the benthic habitats within the Fair Isle Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Area report now available

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This report from UHI Shetland in partnership with the Fair Isle DR MPA Executive Steering Group details the predicted biotopes and Priority Marine Features potentially present within the Fair Isle DR MPA.
Find out more Distribution modelling of the benthic habitats within the Fair Isle Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Area report now available


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