FIMRO Projects

Tim Merrick @ Focal Plane Photo

If you’re interested in seeing some of the things FIMRO does on Fair Isle you’ll find some more information on the projects we’ve been involved in here.

Fair Isle has been Scotland’s only Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Area (Fair Isle DR MPA) for a few years now, but we know there’s lots of interest from other community groups in setting up their own projects. We’ve put a bit more detail in these project pages that we hope will be helpful to other groups.

FIMRO website

FIMRO website

For FIMRO it was important to have somewhere that could act as a resource for other community groups interested in setting up their own projects, to be able to share project work with the community and visitors to the island, and to make it easier to collect citizen-science information and sightings.
Find out more FIMRO website
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